Golden Key

I have the Power to change my Reality

When I discovered the Unity teachings and learned that I was made in the “image and likeness of God” and had the power within to create my reality, I was blown away. I secretly thought I had super powers. I even imagined that I had my own “genie” that could manifest anything I wanted. My life started to change. The thought alone that I could change my reality by changing my thinking gave me peace and hope. I became a really good student of visualization techniques, affirmations, and I began to see results. My life improved tremendously. My finances improved. I felt much more self-confident. I even manifested a trip to Hawaii with all expenses paid.

Every area of my life was working with one exception. I wanted a loving relationship. I prayed, I visualized, I treasure mapped, I affirmed until I was blue in the face, and nothing seemed to work. I didn’t get it! I thought something was wrong with me. 

What I didn’t get at the time was that my “desperation” for a relationship was what was pushing it away. I was more focused on the need to be loved, in order to be happy, than focused on the realization of the fullness of love that already existed within me. When I started to nourish the budding love in my heart I discovered true love. A love that doesn’t come or go. 

What I now know with absolute certainty is that everything in the manifest world begins in consciousness and it begins with me. That wasn’t always the case. Since I began this journey up the spiral in consciousness I have discovered that God’s timing is different than my timing. I have learned not to be deceived by appearances, but rather, plant the seeds in consciousness and have absolute faith that things are always working for the highest good. I might not be able to see the watermelon when I plant the watermelon seed, yet, I continue to water it with loving anticipation. I remind myself to “see” with the spiritual eye, and not be fooled by sense consciousness.

Anything that I can possibly imagine already exists in the mind of God. There is no such thing as a separate life. There is only the one appearing in myriad shapes and forms. With this understanding, my faith is strong, and I am not deceived by appearances. I remind myself, over and over, to see with the “spiritual” eye and not be limited to the “physical” eye.

What happens often is that if we don’t see results immediately we default to our sense consciousness and lose the awareness of the vast ocean of possibilities all around us. It is a vibratory universe that responds to our feeling tones. It is important to not only have clarity of thought, laser-like focus on what is desired, but to tap into feelings of aliveness and joyful expectation. Knowing that your heart’s desire, or something better, is on the way. Stay present to the moment, vigilant not to fall into the trap of going back to old ways of thinking that will bring your energy down and cancel the good seeds you have planted in consciousness. When you catch yourself going back to old ways of being, immediately stop, and remind yourself that the past no longer has any power over you. Then take a few moments to remind yourself that everything is working out for the highest good. 

I love the scripture, “Be in the world, but not of it.” I find such wisdom in these words. If I am not attached to results a world of possibilities opens up. Instead of relying on people, places, and things for my well-being, I rely on the vast, open, clear space, that is the divine substance present in all creation. Things come and go, but who I AM is infinite, one with all of existence.

I have come to realize that to truly experience freedom, happiness, love, and peace of mind, I must find stability within, at the core of my being - centered in my true identity - free from all “wants” and free from past conditioning. Anchored in the divine essence that I AM, I see beyond appearances to the underlying reality of the goodness of God, present at all times and in all situations. I am no longer attached to results. 

A practice that has served me well to stay awake and present to possibilities is as follows, The Sacred Pause:

As many times during the day - I take a mental break - close my eyes and simply focus on my breath - I scan my body - noticing if there is any tension. I focus on the breath, bring my attention within and rest in spacious awareness. Taking a break from the outer world, I rest in the center of my being, where I know, with absolute certainty, that I am one with God. Here I find strength, quiet assurance, stability, and inner guidance. 

A few moments of this practice and my mind is free, my vibration is lifted. Then I affirm whatever intention I desire. Affirm it, visualize it, and let it go. Sometimes I might even surround my “desire” in a pink cloud as I release it to the Universe. And I always end the practice with gratitude.

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