Enjoy the Show

When you stop resisting life as it is showing up you will notice that there is a sense of well-beingness present and you are more relaxed, at ease and have greater clarity, thus you can navigate the changing waters of life with greater ease. Life is not what is happening to you. Life is the ever-flowing energy, ever present, that animates all forms. When we stop resisting the moment as it appears, we are in tune with the livestream, flowing harmoniously in the dance of life. Then you can sit back and enjoy the show.

Once you realize that it is futile to fight life you can begin to enjoy the movie of your experience. Everything and everyone that appears in your radar is an essential component with a unique flavor in your show. Some might appear as light and luminous with lots of yummy, feel good energy. While other appearances might be dense, dark, and scary. Resist not. Ride the waves. It is all a show. Remain as the seer, the witness, the unmoved presence watching the great spectacle.

You are a great creator with a great imagination. The play in consciousness is beyond your wildest dreams. And it is mere phenomena. All is happening within the One that is ever enjoying the show. The great showman is residing in you, as you.

Elizabeth LongoComment